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Lesson-05 : Introduction to the interfacing of LCD with Arduino Uno

Pankaj Maurya

We will start with introduction to LCD then will see interfacing of Arduino Uno with LCD.

LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)

A liquid crystal display or LCD draws its definition from its name itself. It is a combination of two states of matter, the solid and the liquid. LCD uses a liquid crystal to produce a visible image. Liquid crystal displays are super-thin technology display screens that are generally used in laptop computer screens, TVs, cell phones and portable video games. LCD’s technologies allow displays to be much thinner when compared to a cathode ray tube (CRT) technology.

Interfacing LCD with Arduino

Interfacing LCD with Arduino
Interfacing LCD with Arduino

Components Required:

  1. Arduino Uno with usb cable

  2. 16*2 LCD display

  3. 1k potentiometer

  4. Jumper wires (Male to Male (15))

  5. Breadboard

  6. 220 resistor

Arduino connections explained in steps

  • Insert the LCD into the breadboard

  • Connect the +ve rail with the +5v and –ve with the gnd of Arduino

  • Connect the 1st pin which is Vss of LCD to –ve rail

  • Connect the 2nd pin which is Vdd of LCD to +ve rail

  • Connect the middle pin of the potentiometer to the 3rd pin of the LCD which is VE(contrast)

  • Connect the other pins of potentiometer to the +ve and –ve rail of the breadboard

  • Connect the 4th pin RS to digital pin 12 of Arduino

  • Connect the 5th pin READ/WRITE to the –ve rail

  • Connect the 6th pin E to the digital pin 11 of Arduino

  • Leave the pins from D0 – D3 on LCD

  • Connect the D4 of LCD to the digital pin 5 of Arduino

  • Connect the D5 of LCD to the digital pin 4 of Arduino

  • Connect the D6 of LCD to the digital pin 3 of Arduino

  • Connect the D7 of LCD to the digital pin 2 of Arduino

  • Connect the 15th pin of LCD to +ve rail through 220 Ohm resistor

  • Connect the 16th pin of LCD to –ve rail

Pre-coding explained in steps

  1. Define the Pin Mode in the void Setup

  2. Define the logic in the void Loop

  3. Library used is <LiquidCrystal.h>

Functions used in this example:

  1. pinMode(Pin_Number, IN/OUT); to set the mode i.e. input or output for example pinMode(3,OUTPUT);

  2. digitalWrite(Pin_Number,LOW/HIGH); to set the pin as High or low for example digitalWrite(3,LOW);

  3. delay(microseconds) to put a time delay between two instructions. For example delay(1000) i.e. 1 sec delay

  4. lcd.begin(16, 2); to initialise the LCD

  5. lcd.setCursor(0, 1); to set the cursor point

  6. lcd.print("hello, world!"); to print on the LCD

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